Midwest Elite Basketball » 6 Keys to a Great Workout

6 Keys to a Great Workout

This is a bonus article to our series: Elite Player Workouts.

6 Keys to a Great Workout

1.  Conditioning: Workouts need to be intense

  • Leave your comfort zone: For your game to grow you need to make mistakes and stretch your abilities.
  • 45-60 Minute Workouts: Have a workout plan, attack each drill, and be productive. Workouts don’t have to be 2-3 hours.

2.  Weak Hand Development

  • Develop your weaknesses: 10-15 minutes of your workout should be dedicated to dribbling, passing, and finishing with your off-hand.

3.  Footwork/Balance

  • Footwork separates the good players from the ELITE players.
  • Primary Pivot Foot
  • 2-Feet Finishes from a jump stop

4.  Playing through Contact

  • Basketball is a contact sport…..learn to embrace the physical side of the game. This can be developed!!!
  • Take contact on initial move. Contact at the rim on finishes. Contact while rebounding the basketball.

5.  Shooting

  • Reps, Reps, Reps: #1 way to improve your shooting is by getting shots up.
  • 3-4 drills focusing on one aspect of shooting (Examples: Stationary, Transition, Player Movement, Off Ball Screens, On Ball Screens)
  • Set a Goal: Time your drills or have a set number of makes. Adds an element of pressure to each drill.

6.  “Theory of 2”

  • It takes 2 weeks to learn a new skill and 2 months working at game speed to perform in a game.

This is a bonus article in a series of posts put together to help you become an elite player, including a bonus section to ensure you get the most out of your time in the gym. Great players and great teams do more than what’s required, love to be coached, accept criticism, master the fundamentals and are passionate about practice!

  1. Preparation
  2. Fundamentals
  3. Shooting Development
  4. Post Development

Bonus:  6 Keys to a Great Workout